

Congratulations Bernardo!!!

The Society of News Design awarded 11 awards to Noroeste--the newspaper Bernardo works for in Mazatlan--and out of the 11 awards, Bernardo's illustrations are central to three!

Check it out by clicking on the title of this post.



I think you are right, and the points are all very valid, but I also think that the better way of dealing with these issues is in the studio. We are artists and working together is going to be our way of handle most of the things you are mentioning. We just should create a formal frame where we can have ours conversations, a theme, something that tied up all our efforts. 

Creo que tienes razon, y los puntos que mencionas son todos validos, pero tambien creo que la mejor manera de tratar esos temas es en el estudio. Somos artistas y trabajar juntos va a ser nuestra forma de desarrollar la mayor parte de los temas que mencionas. Deberiamos pues crear un marco formal en el que poder tener nuestras conversaciones, un tema, algo en lo que poner todo nuestro esfuerzo.

Ideas ... thoughts ... etc.

I know I am probably being naive/difficult by saying this, but for me I envision this as a way to focus on the connections of two cultures. I personally want to step outside of my comfort zone just as I would if I was to travel to a different country/culture. I do not even know if I want to use traditional materials or the materials that I regularly use. I thought a video piece might be interesting (anyone else game?)
There are many conceptual ideas that are floating around in my head.

1. How do these two cultures relate to one another?
2. What about our historical origins?
3. What about our similarities/differences in language?
4. What about the political tie-ins?
5. What about the art historical perspective; academic (traditional) and also non traditional?

Actually something that is really interesting to me is the misconceptions and biases that are created about other cultures, especially the current dialogue in the U.S. about Mexican and United States relations.

Yo se que probablemente estoy siendo difícil o ingenuo al decir esto, pero yo pienso en esto como una manera de enfocarse en las conexiones entre dos culturas. Personalmente, yo quiero salirme de mi zona de confort de la misma manera que lo haría si viajara a otro país o visitara otra cultura. Ni siquiera sé si mi intención es utilizar materiales tradicionales o los materiales que uso regularmente. Pienso que un video seria interesante (¿Alguien más cree lo mismo?)

Hay muchas ideas que están flotando en mi mente:

1. ¿Cómo se relacionan estas dos culturas?
2. ¿Qué hay de nuestros origines históricos?
3. ¿Qué hay de nuestras similitudes o diferencias en lenguaje?
4. ¿Qué hay de las conexiones políticas?
5. ¿Qué hay de la perspectiva de la historia del arte; académica (tradicional) y también no académica (no tradicional)?

De hecho, algo que yo encuentro muy interesante son las ideas erróneas y las predisposiciones o prejuicios que se crean sobre otras culturas, especialmente con respecto al dialogo que esta ocurriendo en los Estados Unidos sobre las relaciones entre este país y México.



I would also like to cover the floor with tyvek --so there is no worry about materials getting on the floor.


I think we could use the walls, after all they are divisory lines. The drawings could be a kind of wallpaper.
Podriamos usar las paredes, no dejan de ser lineas divisorias. Los dibujos podrian ser una especie de papel de pared.





more pensamientos

Yes--seven days is a very short period of time. (one reason I think posting and reading this blog is critical to the success of this project!) And so, Juan, you make an excellent point--in addition, I think if we should include University students in the process in some way, there will be a lot of material to work with...I promise you that!

Here are some ideas/temas/ to use as starting points, either you can add to the list or get rid of what you think is stupid:
-Lines found on a body / lineas del cuerpo
-Maps / mapas
-lines of division / lineas de division
-lines of communication / lineas de comunicación
-invisible lines / lineas invisibles


A thought

I like the project being "reactive"and I think that the work should be born from a real open minded attitude. I only want to point out the fact that we only have a week for the whole project to be finished. I think that everything we can do to reduce loses of time it will be beneficial for both the final result and for having a real interaction between us. In this sense I think we should use every time possible in the studio, we should decide with which materials are we working and keep it simple. Is going to be a very demanding (but exciting) exercise just working with other's ideas so I would chose the easier way to approach the project.

Me gusta que el proyecto sea "reactivo" y creo que las obras deben nacer de una verdadera actitud de mente abierta. Solo quiero señalar el hecho de que nada mas tenemos una semana para la realizacion del proyecto. Creo que todo lo que podamos hacer para reducir perdidas de tiempo sera beneficial para el resultado final y para poder tener una verdadera interaccion entre nosotros. En este sentido creo que deberiamos usar todo el tiempo posible en el estudio y deberiamos decididir con que materiales vamos a trabajar ( cuanto mas simple mejor). Simplemente trabajar con las ideas de los demas va a ser un proyecto arduo (pero apasionante) por lo que elegir la forma mas facil de abordar el proyecto me parece la mejor opcion.



Sasha--reactive sounds perfect for this project!
Para este proyecto es mejor que tiene mente muy abierta. open mind.

I have decided to give in and abandon the usual curator, as "leader", role in this project--I want to think together on the design of this exhibition. SO---my question to each of you---what would be the ideal design of the space? Thoughts??


Cuadro presentado en la muestra "ECO" en la sala "Carlos Bueno" del Museo de Arte de Mazatlán. Óleo s/tela//Painting from the show "ECO" in the Art Museam of Mazatlan. Oil on canvas.



Cuadro presentado en la muestra "ECO" en la sala "Carlos Bueno" del Museo de Arte de Mazatlán. Óleo s/tela//Painting from the show "ECO" in the Art Museam of Mazatlan. Oil on canvas.



....try to post your discussion as new posts not commentaries.
This way we can keep the conversation flowing.

POST from Sasha Blanton

Ok, I have given this a lot of thought and here it is.

1. I think that it should be sort of like a treasure hunt; we start of with specific things and we go out and look for more. We then come back and make art, maybe one day of just doing things and looking at stuff, and then a day of art making, then a day of doing things and then art making. I think that we should be reactive! I have never really collaborated, so I am a little nervous about it. All I know is that it would be nice to just hang out with people then go and make art, instead of just trying to make art.

2. Traditional materials on the first day of making art, but maybe we have to go out and get something meaningful or different every night to expand the materials.

3. I think the students should be incorporated from day 1, I think they can help by giving their opinions and maybe even help with actualizing a piece, I don't know I'm just thinking out loud.

4. I have no expectations except to work with new artists who may have a very different view than myself. My purpose is to get outside of what I'm comfortable with, to discover someone else's vision.

Sorry that I just answered your questioned directly maybe I can come up with something more later.


Cuadros de la serie Emove Circus, exposición individual en el Teatro Ángela Peralta//Some paintings or the serie Emove Circus, solo show in the Angela Peralta Theater.

Acrilico s/tela//acrilic on canvas



The purpose of Conecta 08 is to give emerging artists from Sinaloa, Mexico and Baltimore/Washington D.C. the unique opportunity to collaborate in the creation of original artworks for display, as well as forge lasting international professional associations. The artists chosen for the program are made up mostly of artists under-35 years of age and with limited gallery representation. This will be the first time these artists will work together in an artistic collaborative effort.

I am pleased to say this is the first year for Conecta 08, and we hope to continue the program for years to come, creating a biennial program. Making it possible for U.S. and Mexican emerging artists to collaborate and develop international associations—a necessity for any artist working today.

I would like to begin a conversation about the development or structure of this exhibition. I want everyone to contribute their ideas to this project.
1. How do you think the day to day collaboration should be designed?
2. What materials should be on hand for you all to use?
3. How can we incorporate the students into the process --those that might visit the gallery?
4. What are your expectations???? What is your purpose??

Juan or Bernardo (our bilinguals) please try to write in spanish and english, when you can.